You can set your healthcare private practice apart from the competition.

Select one of our package deals below and you’re on your way to telling your story better than the other healthcare providers in your area.

Cold. Hard. Stats!

Courtesy: Hubspot

Private Practice Packages

What’s the lifetime value of a new patient?

Videos like these can help you earn more business.

Additional Videos

Individual practice stories and advanced provider profiles can be added for $5000 per video. Basic provider profiles can be produced for an additional $2500 per video. Social media reels can be created for an additional $500 per video.


Practice story: 2-3 minute story about the practice (About Us, our services, testimonials, etc.)

30-second cut: a 30-second version of the practice story, perfect for social media sharing

Social media reels: 1-minute or less vertical videos with captions to answer FAQ’s on social media

Basic provider profile: 1-minute profile video introducing the provider

Advanced provider profile: 2-3 minute profile video introducing the provider that tells a bit more of their story

Why you should choose T60.

We know you’ll enjoy working with us, but don’t just take our word for it! Hear from one of our customers.

Sovereign Healthcare CEO Jeremy Hogue will tell you why he chooses T60.